Hey now this is interesting, the British Humanist Association has set up a facility that enables you to automatically send a series of questions to your local candidates.
- You start with their suggested text, but you can modify it of course
- You then enter your name, address and postcode. The system works out who is standing for election in your area and gives you a tick list of them all. You then get to simple hit “send”, and off the email goes.
Now that is simplicity (link to it all coming up soon)
First, to those of you not in the UK, you might be wondering what this is all about. Well the story here is this, we are about to have a general election in the UK (next month), and so election rhetoric is moving into warp factor 9, so much so, that you could hook up a major city to the political spin doctors and power it.
So what is in the BHA letter?
Basically this …
Given that the general election is fast approaching, it is important I know the views of the people I may potentially vote for. I am therefore writing to you as your potential constituent to ask your position on policy matters which, as a non-religious person, are extremely important to me. I would appreciate a reply stating your position on the following questions.
1. Would you support fully inclusive admissions with no religious selection in all state-funded schools, including faith schools?
2. Would you support non-religious worldviews such as Humanism being taught equally alongside religions in schools?
3. Would you support making high-quality, comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE), including Sex and Relationships Education (SRE), part of the statutory curriculum in English schools?
4. Would you support an end to the antiquated policy of reserving seats for Church of England Bishops in the House of Lords?
5. Would you support the legalisation of humanist marriage in England and Wales, which has been hugely popular in Scotland since its legalisation?
6. Would you support the retention of the Human Rights Act 1998, and oppose pulling out of the European Convention on Human Rights – both of which are essential in protecting fundamental human rights and freedoms?
7. Would you support the legalisation of assisted dying for people who are terminally ill or are permanently and incurably suffering, in order to protect their right to autonomy and self-determination?
I hope that you share my views on the issues outlined above, which are not only widely supported by the British public, but are necessary to protect the basic and fundamental human rights that are enshrined in both British and international law. It is vital that such discriminatory practices are ended, hence the importance of discovering your position on these issues at such a crucial political juncture.
Best wishes,
Hey this is Cool, I’m in, where is the link?
So what will happen?
Well so far I have received two auto-replies.
The Conservative reply was this …
Thank you for your email.
You should know that Parliament has now been dissolved and electoral law says that I am no longer allowed to act on behalf of constituents.
During the election period I will not have access to my office, parliamentary diary, staff or the resources to receive and deal with replies.
Should I be fortunate enough to be re-elected as your MP, I will be more than happy to take up your case after 7th May.
Best regards,
Well that’s a tad surprising, in the white heat of the election, it is essentially a non-response. Will anything follow that? (probably not).
The other was the Labour reply …
thank you for taking the time to write to me, I answer every email as soon as possible but that sometimes involves a delay as I write all my own letters, blogs, petitions and social media (and that is when I am not out campaigning or meeting constituents)
In the meantime do please see more about my campaign at www.fionadentlabour.com or www.facebook.com/fionadentlabour
If your message is urgent then please pick up the phone and call me on 07824953354
Thank you!
Oh wow, now that is a lot better. It is of course still a non-reply, but strikes me as one that is a heck of a lot more friendly.
As for the other two, The Lib Dem Guy, and the Green Party Guy, no auto reply just a stunning silence, which perhaps in one way speaks volumes.